General LovesMom Stuff 2

A Little Something We are Working On – Oh, It’s a Human!

It feels a little strange to be making big announcements – pretty much anywhere or of any kind. I am becoming keenly aware that I am a major introvert. That being said – here it is anyway. 🙂

This little creature will be making an appearance in April! And in Halloween fashion, our little bird decided to give us an awesome shot of her/his (we don’t know yet!) face and rib cage, just for creep factor. I find it awesome. (Look hard – sideways face – staring right at you. You can even see the two hemispheres of what is sure to be a brilliant brain). Also, s/he kind of looks like Predator. Awesome. 😀


Russ and I super excited about the whole thing. It has been a big year for us: wedding, buying a house, and now a love child! But, we are pretty much all sorts of happy to be starting our family and entering into this new, crazy phase of life – no sleep, lots of poop, and screaming included.


I am in my second trimester – 15 weeks
Baby is due on April 18, 2014
We will find out gender right before Thanksgiving
So far, everything looks perfect! Baby has long arms and legs, thanks to dad, of course
I am feeling really good! Glad to be out of that yucky first trimester (ew)
Sleep is my new best friend

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes so far. We are very lucky to be bringing this little kiddo into a world that is already so in love with him/her. PS – I am hoping for a “her” and Russ is hoping for a “him” – naturally.

PPS – Since I have been asked several times already – Heartbeat Nosh will NOT become a “mommy blog,” so, no worries about that. You might see more cooking, you might see photos of the little bird on occasion, but I am planning on keeping this Salt Lake City food blog about the same as always.

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