
Excessive Meowing: A Cat’s Manifestation of Attention Seeking

All living creatures have distinct means of communication. Cats, for instance, use meowing as their way of communicating with people. They may meow for various reasons, like to tell us when something is wrong, to say hi or to ask for something. The kittens meow to let their mother know that they are hungry or they are cold. But once they get a bit older, they do not tend to meow to other cats anymore. However, they may continue to meow to people throughout their existence; possibly because meowing gets people to do what they want.

Why do cats meow so much?

In some cases, cats inherit habits of incessant meowing which may lead you to wonder if something is wrong with your cat. Or you might just get flat out irritated.

Actually, cat meowing is a tough subject to tackle since it’s really a personal issue. Meowing is a cat‘s way of communicating so it‘s unrealistic to want them to stop meowing completely. However, there are instances that some cats meow persistently and drive their pet owners to insanity! For this reason it is a good idea to understand the different cat breeds and their differing temperaments. The Siamese, for example, have been notably prone to excessive meowing. If your cat’s breed isn’t prone to excessive meowing, then it’s important to understand the reasons behind your cat’s meowing.

One fact to consider why cats meow is that they like to greet people. Your feline comrades can be expected to meow in greeting when you come home. Oftentimes, your cat meows when you speak to her. Another common reason why cats meow excessively is due to food cravings. Cats like to eat and they can be quite demanding around mealtimes. There are some cats which will meow whenever somebody enters the kitchen just in case the food might be forthcoming. Some cats tend to learn begging for human food by meowing.

To solicit attention is another reason why cats meow. Generally, they love to get attention from people and some of them will be quite vocal in their requests for affection. They may like to be stroked, played with or simply talked to. Felines which have been left alone for long periods of time each day may be more prone to meow for attention. Also, cats meow whenever they ask to be let in or out. Meowing serves as their primary means of letting you know what she wants. Whenever she wants to go outside, she will likely learn to meow at the door. Similarly, if she is outdoors and wants to be in, she will meow to get you and let her back inside. You may be in a period of incessant meowing at doors and windows if you are trying to transition a cat from being indoor-outdoor to living exclusively indoors. This would serve as a hard task for them since it is a difficult change for a cat to make and it will take weeks or even months for the meowing to cease.

In addition, finding a mate is one factor to consider why cats display such incessant meowing behavior. If your female feline is not spayed and periodically meows excessively, she may be in heat. Females in heat typically become increasingly affectionate. They will rub against you more, purr, roll around on the ground and meows a lot. Similarly, male cats which are not neutered and periodically meows exessively may have heard or smelled a female cat in heat. He is expected to pace and meow insistently throughout the time the female stays in heat. That is why the best way to minimize excessive meowing caused by the heat cycle for both male and female cats is to have them spayed or neutered.

How to stop cats from meowing excessively

The best way in trying to stop the excess meowing of a cat is by figuring out why your cat is meowing so much. And once you have figured out the cause, you will be able to stop the meowing a little easier. If you think your cat tends to meow for attention, it would be better to ignore her until she stops. If you give the attention that she is asking for, you are just only rewarding the meowing. You have to wait until she has stopped meowing to pet her and love on her. You have to stop and walk away whenever she starts meowing again.

If your feline is meowing for food, stop feeding her when she meows. Treating when your cat meows for foods is just like treating the behavior that you want to stop. Your cat may meow and meow all day long waiting for food, but eventually she will realize that meowing does not earn her the reward anymore. It is a good idea to start feeding your cat on a set schedule so that she will start learning to wait at the bowl when she learns the schedule instead of meowing at you.

Another good idea would be to try to install a cat door so that you do not have to be her doorman if she is meowing to be let in or outside. Furthermore, always reward your feline comrade when she is not meowing. Also, try to provide them with plenty of attention and love so that they will be mentally and physically entertained.


  1. Robert Giordano says:

    my cat Benjamin is a short hair tabby he is 13 yrs old. I have had him since he was 5, in the past year he has become a completely different cat. He paces and yells at the top of his little lungs never stopping, he never sleeps he just paces and yowells all day. When he does sleep for maybe an hour or so at night, he wakes up with the most blood curtailing screams you have never heard. Right now as I type this he is making the most pathetic sounds followed by high pitched screaming, he never stops: Never. I feed him either fancy feast or pro plan 2 cans a day, plus Royal canin gastro intestinal high energy dry food which is available to him all day, if you could hear him now you would feel sorry for me. What can I do? His blood test and thyroid test are all good, he always has had a little blood in his stool but the vet said all his stool test come out fine. Again .What can I do, Thank you for reading this.

  2. Susan says:

    I’ve been through this with two cats. The problem stems from an incomplete spay where minuscule amounts of ovarian tissue are left, which in turn results in the cat continuing to go into heat and the incessant meowing. It is very stressful for the cat and the owner. Subsequent operations do not resolve the problem because the tissue cannot be identified.

    To ensure that the cat sleeps through the night, I give them one-quarter of a Benadryl capsule. I just put the tiny speck in her food before bed. Use a pill cutter to ensure that even amounts are given.

    Both you and the kitty will be happier after a good night’s rest.

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