
Should I get mad whenever my cats get aggressive?

There is excitement and fun in domesticating cats. This is due to the fact that cats are lovable and personable creatures. They can be a great companion and most importantly they are capable of creating priceless memories that you can cherish for the rest of your life. However, just like humans, cats can get more sensitive and aggressive at times. Some pet lovers don’t like this feline characteristic but it doesn’t mean that they should blame their pets. Though getting mad is inevitable sometimes, you should bear in mind that everything happens for a reason. As pet owners, you should be capable of understanding such feline behaviors. In doing that, you’ll understand how to handle your pets, especially their aggression.

Aggressive Cat Behavior

When your cats display their aggressive manner, it’s essential to find out why. Usually, aggressive behaviors are predictable and some are not. When a cat feels its in danger, or perhaps it tends to protect its territory, you should prepare yourself for some biting and hissing. But when your cats seem aggressive for no apparent reason, you have no other choice but to keep distance until your cat calms down or the source is dealt with.

There are numerous reasons why a cat could abruptly and unexpectedly exhibit aggressive behavior. Here are some causes which lead your cats to display aggressiveness.

Cat Maternal Aggression

Maternal aggression characteristically only occurs in female cats. However, there are cases that male cats tend to be protective over kittens as well. Usually, mother cats are overly protective to their young and don’t trust anybody near her kittens while some are greatly appreciative of other cats and people when they come and praise her new kitten. Mother cats that are extremely protective to her young may become too aggressive, eager to fight off male or female cats, and can inflict serious damages if she thinks and senses danger to her baby.

Territorial Aggression

Cats can be highly territorial. This usually occurs when a new cat is added to the household. This is one of the common cat behavior problems with other cats in the home. Just like humans, cats need to have their own personal space. Territorial aggression in the form of fighting can be often accompanied by urine spraying or marking which helps classify this form of aggression. Furthermore, this type of aggression can be directly linked to inter-male aggression since some male cats tend to be more dominant than others and will undoubtedly fight for the highest cat position in the household. Though some cats are extrovert and quiet, others can be extremely territorial and will attack or stalk a new kitten so that the leading position can be claimed. Female cats are not exempt from such behavior even though this territorial manner is somewhat more common in male cats, especially un-neutered ones.

Sexual Aggression

This type of cat aggression is prevalent during mating season. Usually, cats that are not neutered are likely to become more aggressive towards other cats. This kind of aggression can be easily identified. The attacker will belligerently bite the nape of the victim cat and attempt to mount her with similar thrusting hip movements.

Cat Fear Aggression

Fear aggression usually happens when a cat is being threatened. Basically, if they are feeling threatened, they would tend to escape and hide. When cornered with no outlet, that’s the time they will use their last weapon of defense, fear aggression. In order to minimize such violent behavior, we must assure them that they are safe and free from those situations. They must not be exposed to unfamiliar people or animals and unaccustomed territory. We should also not let them find themselves cornered with no other options left or feel like they are in highly stressful situations. By these, we can reduce the possibility that they might get aggressive.

Redirected Aggression

This kind of cat aggression occurs when the cat is in an arousing condition but is unable to direct its aggression toward the stimulus. For instance, if your cat is resting on a window and sees another cat out on the property. The cat might become more restless and begins to focus its attention to the other cats. It might display aggressive body postures, growls or hisses. If a person or an animal will walk into the room where the cat is located, he or she might become the recipient of an aggressive attack. That is why if you have a feeling that your cat is having this type of aggression, you better avoid the cat until it calms down.

Petting Aggression

Some cats who were not introduced to human touch while they were kittens likely don’t like to be touched and become aggressive whenever someone is petting them. They might bite your hand or scratch you when you persist to do so. This may be because the touch that we offer in comfort can be perceived as threatening.

Play Aggression

This cat aggression is also called “play-fighting aggression” which can also be experienced by kittens at an early age. In most cases, especially if both you and your cat enjoy playing, the cat might bite you but it was unintentionally done. This is inevitable since felines who are extremely overwhelmed tend to get aggressive.

These cat aggression causes are just a few glimpses why cats get aggressive. Thus, we should not get extremely mad if your cats are behaving this way. Just like humans, they also have distinct means of expressing their feelings which pet lovers should respect and understand.


  • madison says:

    hey I have a female calico cat who is turning six this year and is really agressive when petting how do i stop this thanks

  • madison says:

    I have a grey cat im not sure what its breed is it like the outdoors its bluish grey male and loves people but won’t sit on my lap im its owner how do i get him to sit on my lap

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