Clementine Bi Weekly PortraitMom Stuff 2

Bi-Weekly Clementine Portrait

There are VERY few “lifestyle” bloggers that I follow – for a myriad of reasons (which I am sure you can all figure out if you know me). However, there is one blogger that I feel encompasses true lifestyle – not just fashion, or clothing, or products – but life. Bleubird is a beautiful blog filled with amazing content and she has one installation in particular that I have loved, which is a portrait of her 4 children every week. While I don’t know her, or her children, I love the photos and the perspective they show of her as a mother. So, I am totally copying…

I am adding a new category to Heartbeat Nosh – a bi-weekly portrait of Clementine. Hopefully, these photos will be different than Instagram or Facebook photos; I want to capture how I see my daughter, as her mother. The moments that make me baby-swoon. These posts might end up just being for me, and that’s ok. This space is mine, right? And as I grow, this platform will grow. Content will change. It has to.

For this first week, I am actually using a photo I posted on Instagram over Thanksgiving. I love this photo and I feel like it really captures a moment of motherhood that I love; one for just the two of us – hiding away on our travels for some downtime and quiet. Back rolls, little curl on the top of her head, chunky thighs. Those tiny feet. I want to always remember this moment.

Heartbeat Nosh(James, of Bleubird, also works on another online magazine/blog that I love called, Mother. For all my mom and parent friends out there – check it out.)

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